September 2013
Dear Friends,
I would like to begin this month’s letter with some words of thanks. Firstly, I wanted to say thank you for the card and gift I received at the last Church meeting in recognition of my 10 years as your Minister. The presentation was totally unexpected and caught me completely unawares! It was very kind and generous of you and I wanted to express my appreciation. I also wanted to express my sincere thanks for your prayers and all the cards and messages of support I have received over the past few weeks following my health ‘blip’. It has been very humbling and uplifting to know that we are held in a circle of love at this time.
As you probably know, I am about to start a course of treatment at Christie’s for the next 5 weeks which will be followed by a break of 8 weeks when I go back to the consultant to arrange for the second operation. All things being well, I am hopeful that the whole thing will be fully completed by Christmas. Although it sounds a long way off I remain confident and very positive, and I draw great strength in the knowledge that God works through the skills of our doctors and surgeons, and God is good!
Increasingly over the past few weeks I have drawn strength and comfort from the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus says to the crowds “… can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” As a born worrier, these words have helped me a great deal – and as always with Jesus’ sayings – they make sense.
Worry, of course, is different for each of us. Some people appear to go through life with no worries, and have the ability to take everything in their stride. Some others seem to be crushed by even quite simple things. Most of us do tend to worry when there is a genuine cause, but the fact is that a lot of time and energy can be spent in worrying about what might or might not happen. Instead, it is far better to place one’s faith and trust in a certainty – and that for Christians is in Jesus words of hope and promise. Jesus says I am with you always, to the end of the age.
During these next few weeks whilst I am in the background, I shall be holding you all in my prayers. I pray for those who are taking on extra responsibilities, as our work continues, and I look forward very much to being back amongst you again very soon.
Your friend and Minister,
Our annual Family Church Weekend will take place from Friday 4th October – Sunday 6th October at Foxhill House in Frodsham. This is a relaxed weekend of fellowship in wonderful surroundings. The cost- £95 for adults (reductions for children) includes all meals from Friday tea time up to and including Sunday Dinner. Bursaries are also available. For more information contact Helen. If you would like to book a place let me know as soon as possible but no later than 12th September.
Please note the change of venue from Charlestown to Hurst Nook on 5th September at 7.30pm.
Just a reminder that Commitment for Life envelopes will be given out shortly.
Commitment for Life is the world development programme of the United Reformed Church. We celebrated 20 years of faith in action in 2012. We encourage participating churches to take action, pray and give for people across the world but especially in our four partner countries of Bangladesh, Jamaica, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory and Zimbabwe. We work in partnership with Christian Aid and The World Development Movement and have raising over half a million pounds a year from contributing churches.
The Bible study group will resume at the manse on Tuesday 1st October, all welcome to come along and join us.
The next mid-week Communion Service is on Wednesday 11September at 11am in the Choir Vestry
Albion Tots group will meet at Albion Church on Friday 9.30am till 11.30am
Girls from the Ashton Ranger unit have returned home from an exhilarating 7 night trip to Berlin, Germany. The girls, aged 14 – 19 years, enjoyed exciting adventures including a visit to Sauchenhausen Concentration Camp. Hannah Dyball 14, said “Berlin was a life-changing trip during which I was presented with an opportunity to become closer to fellow rangers and fully appreciate the history and culture surrounding one of Europe’s greatest cities. The trip was an incredible experience that I will never forget; particularly sightseeing with Sandino bear”
The group’s leader, Gillian Lewis said: “The trip to Germany was a great chance for the girls to get away and enjoy each other’s company in a safe, girl-only space. “All the girls told me how much they enjoyed themselves and they can’t wait to decide where they want to go next and plan another adventure. Thank you to everyone who helped support their fund-raising.”
Adventures like this are just part of the range of activities open to girls and young women through Girl guiding, which allow them to grow in confidence, raise their aspirations and have fun in a safe, girl-only space.
For further information, please contact Lyndsey Green, Tel; 07563211149
The theme this year is “Talents”. There are lots of talents amongst our fellowship and the various groups. Can you decorate a tree to show your talent or hobby? We always welcome new decorators so if you know of individuals, families or groups please let Gillian know.
Children are also invited to paint or draw a decorated Christmas tree which will be displayed on the boards around church. Please give Gillian your tree title by the 29th September.
The Willow Wood Light up a Life Service will be held in Albion at 2pm on Sunday 15th December.
Thank you in advance to all the people who help with the organisation of this event. If you can help in any way please contact me. I will be holding a planning meeting at the end of September – date to be confirmed.
Gillian Lewis 0161 339 2459 or 07740708747 or e-mail
Please put this date in your diary …. If you would like a stall at the fair or can offer help on the day contact Pat Jones on 0161 330 6272 or e-mail
Albion guides celebrated their 90th birthday this year with an event held at Albion church on Sunday 14th July.
A display was present at the back of church of history throughout the years of all the sections at Albion including rainbows , who celebrated 25 years , brownies guides rangers and some district and division events.
Current members of all the units provided entertainment whilst in the audience we had past members which included guides, leader’s, captains of the Guides and commissioners.
Many memories were shared and a lovely card from Pat Baker a former captain received after the event said how much she had enjoyed the event and hopes to be at the 100th celebrations!
The event also saw the retirement of Janet as the guide leader after 33 years and Jayanna her assistant however both hope to continue supporting Guiding and Janet will be taking on new roles as the Division Arts Advisor and attending trefoil in Manchester with Eileen Gregson her mum who has been a guiding member for over 70 years
Gillian Lewis will be running both the Brownie unit and Guides from September any queries about Guides please contact Gillian or any offers of help at any of our units please contact
Suzanne Smith – Rainbows Gillian – Brownies and Guides 07740708747
I would like to say a big thank you for all the lovely gifts and cards received upon my retirement as Guide leader at Albion. As I have semi-retired from work also this seemed the right moment to look for new adventures both in guiding and in my personal life.
With 4 grandchildren soon to be 5 and a son in America I don’t think there will be much spare time! However I am looking forward to still being a passionate follower of guides here at Albion and being the Division Arts advisor as well as attending Trefoil.
Thank you for all those over the years who helped in any way and I wish the guides continued success
Janet Robson
The Macclesfield Male Voice Choir Concert at Albion raised £349 towards church funds. Thank you to all who supported this effort. What a splendid concert it was.
The Events Group.
This will take place on Wednesday 4th September at 7.30pm. The Speaker Kerry – Crafts.
10AM -11.30AM every Thursday during term time. £1.00 per family.
Kathleen Simpson is in the Chair on Thursday 12th September.
Saturday 28th September, 10.30 – 12.30. Entrance is 50p which includes tea/coffee and biscuit. Refreshments will be available at reasonable prices and a range of stalls including Bring and Buy, Tombola, Home Bake and Raffle. All are welcome.
On Sunday 1st September after morning Worship lunches will be available: Adults – £5.00, Children – £2.00. Tickets via Irene Whitehead, all monies will go to Church Funds.
Every Thursday 10.30Am during Term Time.
As you will be aware an accident took place on Alexandra Road and as a result a vehicle crashed through the railings and into the front of Charlestown causing structural damage. At this moment in time it is not known when the front of the building will be reinstated and how long it will take. The Church has been made accessible via the fire door in the extension to hopefully enable the new floor to be laid commencing on 9th September; this will take approximately two weeks.
Church cannot be used on health and safety grounds due to the damage, the lack or toilet facilities as a result and lack of fire exits. Hopefully, there will be more information printed in the October Messenger.
People who rent our building will be sent a letter explaining the situation. Whilst our building is shut all are welcome to worship at Albion and Hurst Nook.
A huge thanks to those who have spent and continue to spend many hours dealing with this situation
“when I was at the ripe old age of 15, I was allowed to go to Cliff College for a week’s holiday it was a Methodist’s Evangelical College, and there I bought my own 1st Bible and at the same time I found these “Suggestions”, and so I added them to my Bible. The list may seem long winded as there are over 30, but I have found all of them very useful during my life time” Irene Whitehead
1) When in Sorrow - read John 14.
2) When people fail you – read Psalm 27.
3) When you have sinned – read Psalm 51.
4) When you are worry – read Matt. 6 v19/34.
5) Before a Church Service – read Psalm 84
6) When you are in danger – read Psalm 91
7) When you have the “blues” – read Psalm 34
8) If you want to be fruitful – read John 15
9) When God seems far away – read Psalm 139
10) When you are discourage – read Isaiah 40
11)When doubts come upon you, try John 7 v.17
12) When you are lonely or fearful – read Psalm 23
13) When you forget your Blessings – read Psalm 103
14) For Jesus’ idea of a Christian – read Matt 5
15) For James’ idea of religion – read James 1 v19/27
16) When your faith needs stirring – read Hebrews 11
17) When you feel down and out – read Romans 8 v31/39
18) When you want courage for your task – read Joshua 1
19) When the world seems bigger than God – read Psalm 90
20) When you want rest and peace – read Matt 11 v25/30
21) When you want Christian assurance – read Romans 8 v1/30
22) For Paul’s secret of happiness – read Colossians 3 v12/17
23) When you leave home for labour or travel – read Psalm 121
24) When you grow critical or bitter – read 1 Cor. 13
25) When your Prayers tend too grow narrow or selfish – read Psalm 67
26) For Paul’s idea of Christianity – read 2 Cor. 5 v15/19
27) For Paul’s rules on how to get along with people – read Romans 12