Rev Alan Wickens – Albion Minister 2003 – 2016
Alan is married to Anthea and they have two children, James and Charlotte.
Before entering the Ministry, he had been a senior manager in the Surrey Ambulance service.
In 1995, he commenced training for the United Reformed Church ministry at the Northern College, Manchester.
On completion of his B.A., he was ordained and inducted into Dorchester United Church in July 1999. After a four year ministry in Dorchester Alan joined Albion Church in 2003 .
Alan was the Minister for Albion between 2003 and March 2016.
Alan left Albion Church to return to his home town and start a new ministry in Christ Church Windsor and the United Church Egham in March 2016
Dear Friends,
As this will be my final contribution to the Messenger, I would like to begin by expressing my sincere thanks for the pleasure and the privilege it has been to serve as your Minister during the past 12 years. I am grateful too, for the support Anthea and I have received, particularly when I was ‘out of action’. Most importantly, it has been a real joy to have been a part of the Albion Church family.
Understandably, with the move South looming, I have been looking back over my time here in Ashton. I take with me many fond memories of those special times shared on Iona and Oberamergau, as well as the quiet days spent at Loyola Hall, which I value greatly. I give thanks too for the many friendships made over this time, which mean a great deal to me.
The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes writes these familiar words, which have been at the forefront of mind. He writes: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
( Ecclesiastes 3:1)As I am sure you will have been told, in Greek there are two words used for our word ‘time’: chronos meaning physical time as in the clock time and kairos which refers to a particular time in history. Hence we hear of a kairos moment – a particular moment in time when God acts.
I believe we all experience kairos moments from time to time in our lives and in our Churches; times when God acts. In his Letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul writes: We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28). Just now it seems to me we are sharing a kairos moment, not only for Albion Pastorate but also for Christ Church, Windsor and the United Church Egham. God has a purpose for us all, and whilst we may not fully understand what the future may hold for us, what we can be sure of is that God has a purpose and calls us to have faith and trust as we seek his leading.
When the Pilgrim Fathers set sail on their journey of faith in 1620 they went with words of encouragement from their Pastor John Robinson ringing in their ears: for I am persuaded the Lord has more truth yet to break forth out of His Holy Word. I want to conclude with that thought, because our God is a God of surprises, who never ceases to surprise us. So as we go our separate ways, we can be assured that God goes with us …for God has plans, and now is the right time, our kairos moment.
May God’s blessing surround you each day
as you trust Him and walk in his way
may God’s presence within,
guard and keep you from sin.
(Let us) go in joy, go in peace, go in love.
Your friend and Minister,
The Elders of Albion would like to say thank you to all who took part in Alan’s last service and Mothers’ Day service on the 6th March 2016. It was wonderful to see the whole fellowship and friends from local churches joining together. The food was wonderful too. Thanks to your generosity everyone was fed and the excess food used in the community. A special thank you to all who helped out in any way
The weekend of the 5th / 6th March was certainly memorable and will stay with me. The celebration of Charlotte’s wedding on Saturday was a most happy occasion, and the opportunity of leading worship the next morning for the last time at Albion amongst friends was also very special.
Anthea and I would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends in the Albion Fellowship for the extremely generous gifts, cards and messages of support we have received. We also extend thanks to all who provided the wonderful buffet after worship on Sunday. As I have said before, it is the people who make up the Albion fellowship, and they will always have a very special place in my heart. May God bless you all as the new chapter in the life of Albion unfolds.
The gifts presented to Alan included the following:
- Financial gifts – from across the Fellowship – Alan was not aware of the contents at the time as the money was wrapped up in a box
- A ‘wordle’ – a framed cross made up of words relevant to Albion Fellowship – designed by Gillian L
- A photo album of things that have happened across Albion Fellowship – compiled by Gillian L
- A banner made by Jean G
- The Albion celebratory book made by Jean G