

For dates of meetings see the events calendar

Albion Elders Pastoral & Albion Committee Meetings

Elders elected to serve at Albion Church meet every two months to discuss the pastoral care of the congregation at Albion Church, General running of the Church and building maintenance at Albion. Usually the first Thursday in the month 7.30pm in the choir vestry at Albion.

The Albion Committee meets every two months usually on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the memorial chapel. All members and regular worshippers are invited to attend.

Hurst Nook Committee Meetings

The Committee is made up of the serving elders from Hurst Nook Church plus other members of the congregation – meet regularly (approx. every two months)

Charlestown Elders Meeting

Serving Elders from Charlestown Church meet together to discuss pastoral care of the congregation at Charlestown Church and the general business of the church.


Albion United Reformed Church

Stamford St E, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 6QQ